Content Hub - Articles & Reports
November 24, 2022
Restorative Justice Week Nov 20-26; Community awareness interviews with CHVN.
Bradley, member of the Future Hope family explains how to Stand Tall Again living a life with purpose on purpose, connecting to a Higher power, living life, and making the conscious decision to Stand Tall in the face of it all.
November 21, 2022
Restorative Justice Week Nov 20-26; Community awareness interviews with CHVN.
What is restorative justice and what does it mean for Future Hope? Pauline, Capacity Building Manager at Future Hope chats with Vanessa on different facets of Restorative Justice. What is restorative justice and what does it mean for Future Hope?
June 1, 2022
Supporting ex-inmates: A Multifaith guide for communities
Many faith traditions understand that it is important to offer hospitality to those who are strangers, refugees, or prisoners. In the 1990’s a Southern Ontario Mennonite church welcomed an ex-prisoner into their community and their efforts eventually led to the development of an internationally celebrated program called Circles of Support and Accountability. While this was an exceptional case, there are many positive instances of faith communities receiving released ex-prisoners as members of their congregations, parishes, synagogues and mosques. CLICK ON DOCUMENT
November 16, 2021
Combattre les préjugés en tendant la main avec Louis Balcaen
L’organisme Future Hope a pour but d’aider d’anciens détenus à se
réinsérer dans la société. Comme organisme à but non lucratif, il dépend
des prélèvements de fonds et des bénévoles. Louis Balcaen a décidé de s’engager avec eux depuis 2002. CLICK ON DOCUMENT
November 16, 2021
Le long processus de réinsertion avec Brian Godkin
Brian Godkin est aujourd’hui le directeur général
de Future Hope, un organisme qui aide à la
réinsertion d’anciens détenus. Mais avant cette
vie, il a lui aussi bénéficié des programmes offerts par Future Hope. Il a accepté de parler de son histoire en espérant inspirer d’autres personnes. CLICK ON DOCUMENT
November 16, 2021
Plaidoyer pour repenser le système carcéral avec Daniel Beaudette
Si des organismes comme Future Hope tendent la main aux anciens détenus pour les aider dans leur réinsertion, il n’en reste que les prisons connaissent à l’interne leur lots de problèmes comme l’insalubrité, la violence et d’autres encore. Des enjeux souvent exposés dans les médias qui doivent être pris au sérieux. CLICK ON DOCUMENT
April 26, 2021
Myle's Case Study - Summary
Through his journey with
Future Hope, Myles built the self-efficacy, skills and pathways needed to live independently
in the community.
The monetizable proxy value for the support provided to Myles through Future Hope is $21,000. Myles moves from a situation of social institutional cost ($120,571) to one of in community social value creation of $69,300.
Therefore, the total social value of Myles’ independent life away from federal incarceration is $189,871.